Friday, May 16, 2014

The Beginning

Yes, this was me, and this is my story...
I have always been an athlete at heart. When I was young, if there was a sport I gave it a shot. You name it...cheerleading, softball, basketball, track and field, powerlifting. I found my true love of sport when I found running, and even ran several marathons and half marathons. When I became a mom I didn't have all the time I had had to dedicate to fitness as before, but I did as much as I could. My goal was to be an example for my kids. Then, about 7 years ago my life changed drastically. I won't get into details just yet (maybe someday) but I will go so far as to say it really opened my eyes. I went through a lot of self doubt, confusion, some depression and I let myself go. I had given up hope of ever getting back in shape. I figured it was ok, there are more important things in life than fitness. And while to some extent that's true, fitness....YOUR WELL BEING...IS important!! I wanted to get back on track and was lucky enough to come across the fitness community on Twitter. Actually, truth be known, I think a higher power was operating because the fitfam actually found me! From there my life turned around. I am still on my journey, I have a way to go to reach my goal, but I am happy to be on my way, making progress, and hope to help and inspire others. I am not a dietitian or trainer (although I used to be a CPT) what I share is what works for me and I hope it encourages you to find what works for YOU. 
This is me now...
I hope you will join me in my journey. I hope you find inspiration and information that helps you to find what will help you reach your goals. Let's make ourselves our BEST selves together!!

Much love,
The Tiny Tigress :)

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