Friday, November 14, 2014

A walk down memory lane: part 2

Ah days off! Where do you go? I think the hours on days off are shorter, I really do! Although I didn't get everything done on my day off yesterday that I wanted to, I did get back into my massive UFO collection to work on inventorying my projects for my Finish it Up list. It's amazing (and a little embarrassing) to really see all the projects that I started and never finished. Oh well, not going to fret over it. That's going to change. So, what did I stumble upon yesterday as I was taking inventory? Take a look!

First up is a sweet 30s sampler. I still want to add one more border and it's ready for basting.

This quilt was a birthday swap. You asked for specific colors and other group members made you a block with those colors for you for your birthday. Again, one more border is needed before it's ready.

Red and white is one of my favorites!

This scrappy beauty is one of the first ones I made after my divorce was final and I was in my new place. It has sentimental value and is staying with me.

This is the last one I have a picture of (I have many more tops but didn't want this post to end up a mile long,lol) this was a swap with an on-line group and everyone did exceptional work. This is one I really want to get done before Valentine's Day so I can display it for the holiday.

Now that you've seen a fraction of my UFO collection you can understand why I've decided to challenge myself to...
If any of you would like to join me, please let me know! The more the merrier! Let's get some quilts finished up in the coming year ;) I know it's an early start (it's only mid-November) but if I can shorten that list a little bit, that's perfectly ok with me. 

Finally, some happy news to share. Out of curiosity I looked up on-line quilt groups in a search engine, and one of the groups I was involved with is STILL ACTIVE!!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to find them and rejoin. I am so looking forward to being part of the group again. It made me realize that things really are starting to come full circle for me. I am so thankful for the blessings I have. 

Well, I've got a busy day ahead, hope you all have a wonderful Friday!!
Much love,
The Tiny Tigress

P.S. Tomorrow is the first day of the 16 week challenge! I'm ready, how about you? Let's do this!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Walking down memory lane

It's rare that I get two days in a row off. I was fortunate to have those two days this week so I've been able to get quite a bit done. Yesterday was devoted to cleaning with a little crafting and exercise squeezed in, today is the opposite. I've spent a decent chunk of my time today going through my crafting supplies that are scattered through my house. I know I haven't gotten to it all, but once I started digging in I just couldn't rush the process.
     First a mini cliff notes version on my life story... I got married young, got into running hard core, then had 2 beautiful children which launched my venture into quilting. I belonged to 2 different on-line groups and did swaps and lottos and sew-alongs, I had a relatively good sized blog with lots of readers, I loved my life. Then things fell apart. I ended up divorced, hit a rough patch and lots of things went on the back burner. Fast forward about 7 years. I'm finally at a point in my life where I am able to really spend time doing what I enjoy. That is why I'm getting these old projects out. They deserve to be made into beautiful quilts (and wall hangings, and table runners, and tote get the idea) Its amazing the powerful memories going through them has brought back. I miss my quilting groups...I don't know if they even exist anymore. I miss being an active blog (I'm working on that one though!) I am excited, however, to share at least part of what I've catalogued today for my Finish it up 2015 list. 
    So without further ado, here we go!!

1. This is a 4 inch sampler quilt I started. I don't think it will end up bed sized, but I want to do more blocks to help improve my skills.

2. Black and white sampler. I have 16 blocks for this. Perfect bed quilt size! This is one that was a swap, seeing the names of my old quilting friends on the blocks brought back great memories!

3. Kids quilt. This was another swap. I hope to make a kid sized throw with these.

4. Coffee and cream quilt. I had made a brown and cream quilt for my sister and loved it so much I wanted one too! This one is a little different, but when it's done it stays with me :)

5. 30s churn dash. This was yet another swap. I need to make one more block and it will make a sweet throw for someone.

6. Fall block swap. Another swap I was in, I have 6 blocks and am thinking of making a wall quilt with some added appliqué...we'll see....

7. Purple and Yellow. This is from the first block lotto I won. I was sooo excited to win, but these poor blocks never made it into a project. I think it's time they did!

This is just the start of things! I don't want this post to get out of control so I'll share more tomorrow. I never realized how much still I had!!! Hopefully I'll find it all and churn out some beautiful things :)

     Well, I'm off to get my walk I'm today. The weather is getting colder, and personally I love that. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Much love,
The Tiny Tigress

Monday, November 3, 2014

I know I said I wouldn't, but......

I started another project. Well, sort of. I got done with my Halloween costume and had left over muslin and just couldn't waste it. I like to get as much out of my fabric as I can. So I've taken that leftover muslin and cut it into base squares for the string quilt and as many 2 1/2 inch squares as I could for my new project. I'm using them as leaders and least I do believe that's what they're called over at Quiltville.
I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure what I'll do with these sets. I'm thinking I may just sew them all up like a bigger squared version on a postage stamp quilt. All I know for sure is I'm really happy to be using up fabric and saving thread.
     Speaking of postage stamp quilts, ages ago I saw a postage stamp quilt-along and started one for my son. As life sometimes does, it got in the way and that quilt was put aside and has waited patiently for it's time to come out and play again. Well, sewing my costume gave my sewing mojo a jump start and that quilt is being worked on again. Right now I have 9 out of 20 blocks. 

I know that looks pretty daunting, but when you realize that the blocks are strip pieced, it's not quite as scary.
I have my work cut out for me, but I can't wait to see this one done. Which leads me to my next personal craft challenge for 2015. Yes, I know that's a ways off, but I'm trying to get myself prepared already ;) Over the next couple days I will be taking inventory of all my unfinished crafting projects (quilts, crochet and knit). Then making a list on the side of my blog that hopefully will be finished by the end of 2015. Another reason I'm starting early? Because I figure if I can start a little earlier than January 1st it certainly wouldn't hurt!! So keep your eyes open for a post with lots of UFO pics coming your way really soon.

On the fitness front...
I've woken up pain free 2 days in a row now. To an injured runner that's incredibly exciting!! Right now I'm walking 30-40 minutes a day, doing weights or Pilates 20 minutes a day and getting in at least 10 minutes of stretching after each workout. I know my lack of flexibility has been a factor any time I've been injured. I need to make it a focus in my routine because being injured stinks and I want to prevent it from happening as much as I can!

Well, it's a beautiful (but cold) day here in Ohio, and a great day to get my walk in. So I'm heading out to take in the scenery, the fresh air, and start mentally preparing myself to dig through boxes and drawers of crafty goodness to get that list going. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!

Much love, 
The Tiny Tigress <3