Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Walking down memory lane

It's rare that I get two days in a row off. I was fortunate to have those two days this week so I've been able to get quite a bit done. Yesterday was devoted to cleaning with a little crafting and exercise squeezed in, today is the opposite. I've spent a decent chunk of my time today going through my crafting supplies that are scattered through my house. I know I haven't gotten to it all, but once I started digging in I just couldn't rush the process.
     First a mini cliff notes version on my life story... I got married young, got into running hard core, then had 2 beautiful children which launched my venture into quilting. I belonged to 2 different on-line groups and did swaps and lottos and sew-alongs, I had a relatively good sized blog with lots of readers, I loved my life. Then things fell apart. I ended up divorced, hit a rough patch and lots of things went on the back burner. Fast forward about 7 years. I'm finally at a point in my life where I am able to really spend time doing what I enjoy. That is why I'm getting these old projects out. They deserve to be made into beautiful quilts (and wall hangings, and table runners, and tote get the idea) Its amazing the powerful memories going through them has brought back. I miss my quilting groups...I don't know if they even exist anymore. I miss being an active blog (I'm working on that one though!) I am excited, however, to share at least part of what I've catalogued today for my Finish it up 2015 list. 
    So without further ado, here we go!!

1. This is a 4 inch sampler quilt I started. I don't think it will end up bed sized, but I want to do more blocks to help improve my skills.

2. Black and white sampler. I have 16 blocks for this. Perfect bed quilt size! This is one that was a swap, seeing the names of my old quilting friends on the blocks brought back great memories!

3. Kids quilt. This was another swap. I hope to make a kid sized throw with these.

4. Coffee and cream quilt. I had made a brown and cream quilt for my sister and loved it so much I wanted one too! This one is a little different, but when it's done it stays with me :)

5. 30s churn dash. This was yet another swap. I need to make one more block and it will make a sweet throw for someone.

6. Fall block swap. Another swap I was in, I have 6 blocks and am thinking of making a wall quilt with some added appliqué...we'll see....

7. Purple and Yellow. This is from the first block lotto I won. I was sooo excited to win, but these poor blocks never made it into a project. I think it's time they did!

This is just the start of things! I don't want this post to get out of control so I'll share more tomorrow. I never realized how much still I had!!! Hopefully I'll find it all and churn out some beautiful things :)

     Well, I'm off to get my walk I'm today. The weather is getting colder, and personally I love that. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Much love,
The Tiny Tigress

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