Wednesday, August 6, 2014

But what if it is broke?

If it's not broke, don't fix it! It's a saying we've heard many times, and there's a lot of truth in it. If you find something that works for get results from it and it makes you happy, by all means don't change it!! An example in my personal experience is running. For me it is the most effective exercise to lose weight and (besides that) running just makes me insanely happy.
     On the other hand it can be hard to let go of something that used to work for you but no longer does. I don't know if it's the memories and happy thoughts you get from remembering how it was working for you. Or maybe holding on to the hope that things may change and it will work again, but in all honesty, sometimes you need to take a step back and take an objective look at something and decide if it's worth holding on to. Case in of my social media accounts. I struggle every day with the decision of do I keep or delete it. It was the account that got me back on track. I met lots of great people and found so much motivation there. It was a joy to log in everyday and see what was new, get inspired then crush my workout. Not to mention to just have a community of people who didn't think you were crazy for wanting to run/lift/yoga/exercise your day away. I loved it. Then in recent months it changed. The spark was gone and it morphed from fitness focused to sarcasm, pity parties, vulgar posts with the occasional fitness post thrown in. To be honest I've only been on that account a couple times in the last week. It makes me sad to see what it's become, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to delete that account.  
    I think this applies in other areas as well. Your job. Relationships. People in your life. Habits. Things change...people change, and you need to listen to you heart and your gut and make the changes you need to to make your life the best possible life you can live.
    Things in life can lift you up or pull you down. Everything you do can be viewed as a balloon or a lead weight. Some things morph from one to the other. The trick is to be able to see that change and to know when to cut free from the lead weight so the balloons can lift you higher.
      I've found new social outlets. Ones that are much more focused on the things I want to be. Ones that make me happy, and truly my heart is there, not with my old account. I really feel it's time for me to move on to bigger and better. Time for me to cut that lead weight loose so I can turn my focus to the higher places the balloons are going to help me reach. I challenge everyone, if you are going through a rough patch, if you've backsliden, if things just aren't making you happy like they once did, take a step back. Look at what might have changed. Then muster up your courage and cut yourself free from the weight pulling you down. Soar to higher heights, let yourself be happy and reach toward your goals. I have faith in you that you are capeable of great things! Go out there and make them happen. Let's do this! I know we can!

Much love,
The Tiny Tigress

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