Saturday, October 25, 2014

Why is it so difficult?

I love running. LOVE. Unfortunately I have an injury right now. Nothing too major, I can still walk and get about my daily business. Just a little pain in the morning when I get up and maybe a little here and there after I've been sitting a long time or after a nap. I know I need to rest so I can heal completely, but it's SO difficult! My brain constantly bombards me with chants of "A short run won't hurt." or "You're going to lose all your endurance if you don't run." or "How can you call yourself a runner if you're not running?" After losing 40lbs. there's always the fear of regaining that weight, and even though I haven't regained any I'm just starting to feel soft and squishy...I don't like that feeling. How do you combat this? It's not as easy as you think. Just ask another runner. 

     I know there are a lot of options for fitness out there, but none of them quite speak to my soul like running does. So, what is my plan? Well, first and foremost is to NOT listen to that little voice! It can be hard, but I need to remind myself that... 
1. Yes, a short run CAN hurt. All it takes is a little too much stress at the wrong place at the wrong time to aggravate an injury and set you back farther.
2. No, you DON'T lose all your fitness just because you're not running as long as you cross train. 
3. Just because you're not running at any particular time does NOT mean that you're not a runner! Being a runner is a state of mind. It's having a love of the sport that reaches deep into your soul. Every runner has had to take time off. You don't stop being a runner just because you take a break.

Second, I need to make a plan to stay in shape and return to the sport I love. I would love to wake up tomorrow pain free, go out for a run and not have any more issues, but that just doesn't happen. (Well, I won't rule it out comepletely. Miracles do happen you know!) But I'm going to be prudent and plan like I'll be off for a while. Actually, I'm thinking of taking til the 1st of the year off. That should give my injury ample time to heal. This is time for me to try some of the things I've been wanting to try or things I had gotten away from. Actually, the more I think about it the more I am interested to see what changes and results will come with perusing a new workout regime for a while. I'll have to make sure I take pictures and measurements to document the difference ;) On my list to try or do more of? Walking, lifting, Pilates, bicycling, Zumba, yoga, and I'm sure I think of more.

Finally, I need to stay positive. This injury WILL heal. I WILL run again. This setback is NOT the end of my fitness journey, it's just a detour, and just like any detour it may lead me to something interesting, wonderful and will teach me new things...and that's always good!

Much love, 
The Tiny Tigress

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